Millionaire Dog
The Charles Law Office of Clearwater recently posted this interesting Inheritance story to its blog:
A real estate and hotel mogul made headlines in 2007 when it was discovered that she had left $12 million to her Maltese dog, Trouble. The dog recently died in a Florida retirement retreat at the age of 12. The remainder of its inheritance will be transferred to the woman’s charitable trust.
According to reports, the woman included the dog in her will but cut out two of her existing heirs – both her grandchildren. A judge later found the initial inheritance terms of $12 million to be excessive, reducing it to $2 million after the dog’s caretaker explained that $100,000 each year would be enough to care for the dog. This included $1,200 for food and $8,000 for grooming. The rest was taken as compensation by the caretaker and paid for a full-time security guard after the dog received more than 20 kidnapping and death threats.
category: Wills & Trusts